Thursday, April 16, 2009

Eno salts

"And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand it's meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.", JFK

Today, I have decided to take some time to comment on the accusations of Dame Stella Rimington on the exploitation of the fear of terrorism to foment laws that are contrary to the interest of liberty in the UK, something to which Brian Eno has concurred.
This does not necessarily relate to the rest of my posts in a very direct way, but nevertheless gives us indications of the trends and mechanism at work in the Realm.

The UK is a classist society. Classism is a form of violence, used to enforce or indoctrinate the upper hand of one state of things over another, based on intrinsic privilege. Once this is forcefully accepted the next step - to impose, dogmatically, as superior any opinion, view or report that originates from higher ground - is trivial. What has been imposed on the UK, from the start of the war and onto the police state that the UK is becoming, has been that a higher ground has called a judgment that is not the result of well informed, well thought, free choice. The British are the most vulnerable to fall prey to fascist trappings, so long as natural and unquestioned superiority is accepted. The internalization of natural aristocracy subdues the mind into accepting what is imposed upon it.
It is not very surprising that such a problem is of the utmost relevance in Britain today. Tony Blair subdued the British, and not just, into accepting the war. Then, further fears were motivated by 7/7, and the acceptance of laws that are compromising liberties. Finally, the subversion of the laws meant to be used for the advancement and protection of freedoms. This is not the work of democrats and, as David Davis put it, the government seeks to undermine peoples rights instead of defending them. The perpetuation of a "natural" political aristocracy is being, yet again, sought after.

The case is not surprising to my eyes and does resonate with what I have seen and heard in the UK. Democracy is dead, once you find yourself in the path of government or police interests.

Tony Blair - The bridge mason

This brings us to Tony Blair and his plan to become the president of US all. The first European president. It is particularly worrying that a man who is without doubt responsible for the worst decision making in, at least, a generation has already found supporters among the relevant leaders of our time.
It seems that under the pretense of forming bridges among free countries, charity for self promotion and speeches for dummies, Tony will succeed in becoming the president of US all, all without our vote.
I am then left to wonder if we will end up with all the things that he can architect; new intrusive laws for terrorism, prolonged recession, entrenched privilege, natural aristocracy, pandering to the big boys, the power of rune divination in finance and avoidance in crime fighting and any other major issue I can think of.
The bridge mason is at work again, and this time he's got the Europeans fooled.
Tony is not someone who is serious about democracy, the law, reason or peace. He is a self interested, power hungry rube. The first president of Europe threatens to be a joke, a coarsening influence in Europe.
Incidentally, why do we need a president anyway ?

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